Adaptive Vision Studio
Cooled Camera

Adaptive Vision Studio 5.0 is coming out soon!

Adaptive Vision Studio 5.0 is coming out soon!

We are proud to announce that we will be releasing the beta version of Adaptive Studio 5.0 in April. Packed with exciting features, this brand new version of our software will include:

  • Parallel Tasks
    Before 5.0, you could only have one main loop in the program and everything happened there. Now, it becomes possible to perform many computations in parallel.
  • HMI Events
    Event-based programming is now possible in our HMI Designer. You can easily create separate subprograms that will be executed when something happensfor example, when the user clicks a button, logs in or changes a specific parameter.
  • New, extremely powerful formulas
    Formulas have been here for years but with version 5.0 they can replace the vast majority of data analysis tasks. This is possible with many new functions for arrays, geometry and with new array execution of expressions (also known as broadcasting).
  • Program Editor Sections & Minimal View
    Program Editor is now divided into fours sections: INITIALIZE, ACQUIRE, PROCESS, FINALIZE. This unified program structure greatly simplifies creation of the main program loop. We have also completely re-designed the editor and added the new Minimal View mode for easier use in basic applications.
  • Results Control, Queues, Module Encryption and more...
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