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科學儀器 Science / 環境化學 Chemical
Handheld/Portable Raman Analyzers

Taking Raman Spectroscopy out of the Lab to the sample!

BaySpec’s Raman Systems are designed to meet real-world challenges for best-in-class performance, long-term reliability, compact size and ultra-low fluorescence interference for Raman instrumentation of biological, tissue and skin samples. Benefiting from experience manufacturing high-volume spectral monitoring devices for the telecommunications industry, BaySpec’s Raman analyzers utilize low-cost field proven components. For the first time in instrumentation history an affordable, accurate and ruggedized Raman spectral device is a reality.  

The NunavutTM series of Benchtop Raman instruments are designed for high performance for optical low light spectroscopy.  Designs incorporate BaySpec's high efficiency transmission Volume Phase GratingsTM (VPGs), fast f/1.8 optics, and soft (-20°C) or deep-cooled (-55°C) detector arrays delivering best-in-class performance.  Available in 532m, 785nm and 1064nm excitation wavelength options.  Other options available upon request.

The BaySpec's XantusTM and exciting 1stGuardTM  Handheld and Portable Raman analyzers are designed for ruggedized, field deployment and low-cost of ownership.  Designed to meet MILSPEC-810F stringent requirements for humidity, temperature and ruggedness.  Convenient on-board touch-screen PC or cost saving boothtooth output to an existing smart phone or laptop.  Available in 785nm and 1064nm excitation wavelengths.   

型號 Xantus-0 Xantus-1 First Guard Portabillity RamSpec-x RamSpec-HR-X
料號 HRAM-0B-xxxx HRAM-1-xxxx HRAM-xxxx PRAM-xxxx BRAM-xxxx BRAM-HR-xxxx
種類 手持式 手持式 手持式 便攜式 桌上型 桌上型
尺寸(mm) 93x195x59 125x233x85 140x218x85 240x260x135 134x315x84 534x534x305
重量(KG) 1 2.2 1.8 4.5 8.7 11.5
Excitation Source
532nm O O   O O O
785nm O O O O O O
1064nm   O   O O O
Custom CALL
Laser FWHM Bandwidth 0.2nm typ. /0.3nm max.
Output power >80mW 0~500mW 0~500mW 0~500mW 0~500mW 0~1500mW
Grating Technology Transmission Volume Phase Grating(VPG)
Range(532nm) 300~3000cm-1 200~3000cm-1   200~3200cm-1 200~3200cm-1 200~3200cm-1
Range(785nm) 500~1800cm-1 500~1800cm-1 500~1800cm-1 200~3200cm-1 200~3200cm-1 200~3200cm-1
Range(1064nm)       200~3200cm-1 200~3200cm-1 200~3200cm-1
Spectral Resolution 15~17cm-1 10~12cm-1 10~12cm-1 5~7cm-1 8~10cm-1 4~5cm-1
Stray Light Reduction 0.0005
Type 非致冷 致冷 非致冷與致冷 致冷或InGaAs 致冷或InGaAs 致冷或InGaAs
Number of pixels 1024 1024 1024 512/1024/2048 512/1024/2048 512/1024/2048
Pixel size 14um 14um or 25um 14um or 25um 14um or 25um 14um or 25um 14um or 25um
Cooling temperature   -20°C -20°C -20°C -20°C -20°C
(Deep cooling option)         -55°C -55°C
Integration time 20ms~300sec
Readout speed 250kHz
Dynamic range 16bit
Quantum Efficiency(max.) >90% >90% >90% >80% >80% >80%
介面 USB2.0 / RS232 / Ethernet
電源 115~120VAC / +5VDC +15VDC
觸發模式       5V TTL edge or level
藍芽傳輸 O O O O O O
無線傳輸   選購 選購 選購 選購 選購
電池壽命 4小時 4小時 4小時 2小時
增加電池     O      
BaySpec"Spec 2020" Windows CE Windows XP / VISTA
Library support SDK

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