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系統整合 Integrate / 染色體自動製備設備
CR24, CR48 Cell Rotor

Cell Rotor
CR24, CR48 Cell Rotor
The Cell Rotor is easily cultured cells can provide stable and efficient for the chromosomal and the gene analysis by rotating cells in the conical tube.The CR24,48 are the cell culture instruments that provide the method of culturing the optimum rotation tube. The cultured cell is moved from the flask to conical tube in the usual method and set the tube in CR24,48can be directly cultured in tubes without cells cultured in flasks, and the tube can be easily set in the Harvester machine. The amount of cells compared to the more stable and efficient if it does not rotate. CR24,48 work automatically for set time, and it is convenient for culture in holiday.

Features and Benefits

 Mounting is available in 37℃, CO2 incubator.

 Dampproof structure (Humidity 99%RH works )

 Steady rotational speed (5rpm)

 Adjustability of tube tilting ( 0-20°)

 24 tubes installation model (CR24)

 48 tubes installation model (CR48)

 Tube size: 15ml (φ17x120mm)

 Low power consumption

HANABI Cell Rotor CR24
CR24 (24 tubes)

HANABI Cell Rotor CR48
CR48 (48 tubes)

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