Adaptive Vision Studio
Cooled Camera

NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX support

NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX support


The following webpage describes the support XIMEA provides for its cameras connected to one of the multiple NVIDIA Jetson modules.
All of Jetson's GPU modules excel in delivering high performance and power efficiency packed into a small size form.
They are ideal for use in deep learning, computer vision and other computing applications.
Below is a short description of the specific Jetson Xavier NX module:

NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier NX delivers up to 21 TOPS for running modern AI workloads, consumes as little as 10 watts of power, and has a compact form factor smaller than a credit card.
It can run modern neural networks in parallel and process data from multiple high-resolution sensors, opening the door for embedded and edge computing devices that demand increased performance but are constrained by size, weight, and power budgets.
Learn more

Useful links

Jetson Xavier NX Benchmarks
Jetson AGX Xavier Devkit

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